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Need some financial help? It's easier than you think! Follow our 5 tips below, and you'll be on your way to apply for financial aid and attend school before you know it. 

1. Understand your current finances. Having a handle on where your current finances are will be a good starting point before you start the process of applying for financial aid. 

2. Find out what sort of aid you need. Do research before applying. Do you need merit based or need based aid? Come prepared with questions during the process.

3. Speak with your counselor. Most times, your high school counselor will have answers or suggestions on how to apply for financial aid. They are your best resource through this process, since they've helped others in your same position before.

4. Understand if you need loans, grants, or work-study. Understanding what sort of assistance you need will help you before you fill out your FASFA.

5. Complete the FASFA. This is your final step before submitting your financial aid requirements. Make sure you take your time and complete this completely. Ask questions when needed.



Topics: education

Sundeep Shipoor

Written by Sundeep Shipoor